Die ateljee waar al hierdie honderd en twintig kostuums onder Sulet se toesig ontwerp en gemaak is
Die aankoop van materiaal lyk vir my na 'n nagmerrie by hierdie warehouse. Ek sal nie weet nie waar om te begin nie! Ek het nog nooit so baie materiaal bymekaar gesien nie, rye en rye vol op twee vlakke.
Maar Sulet ken die plek soos die palm van haar hand en doen die aankope in 'n japtrap
Hul kort nog BAIE meer materiaal. Hier is Sulet en Melissa besig om by 'n ander plek nog aankope te doen
En 'n epos nadat ek terug is in Wellington wat enige ma se hart van trots sal laat bars
Dear Ronel,
I hope you do not mind me writing to you like this. I asked Sulet for your e mail address.
It was lovely to meet you while you were here. I had been told so much about the family in New Zealand.
I sat in the audience on Friday night and watched the opening performance of Dawid.
I have known Sulet for a few years now and met her as she completed her TUT degree. I introduced her to her first major job in theatre.
This was her first big design job for the theatre, and it was not an easy production to do. Sulet has not had an easy time with the producers of this show let alone the actors, and at times I think she has been overwhelmed by the size of the show, and the antics of the cast and directors.
I wanted you to know that as a professional in this business for 42 years, I am so proud of your daughter. She has done a tremendous job that people with a lot more experience than she has would not have coped with.
She has come such a long way and will continue to do so. She has the perseverance and guts to do it. I know she misses you and I wanted you to know how well she has done and that you can be so proud of what she delivered on this show. I will continue to watch over her, when she needs it and will be here for her when she needs back up in this business.
There were a lot of good comments from the audience about the costumes and she got a wonderful applause when she came on stage to take her bow.
I hope you have settled down again at home and I am sure we will meet again on your next visit, most probably in the wardrobe.
Kind regards
Bronwen Lovegrove
Decor Wardrobe Manager
The South African State Theatre
Crew en cast van Dawid die musical