Ek is 'n vreeslike treurige speller en is verlore sonder 'n woordeboek. Ek het nie lank nadat ons hier in New Zealand aangekom het nie, 'n behoefte ontwikkel om 'n woordeboek te koop. Daar is woordeboeke tussen die paar goedjies wat ons saam met swaer Frederik-hul se goed laat kom het en dit sou nog 'n ruk vat voordat hul hier voet aan wal sit. Ek het dus lank uitgestel om een te koop, maar later was dit net irriterend om elke keer die rekenaar aan te skakel en te search of op Word in te gaan om te sien hoe om 'n woord te spel. Eendag sien ek by die Warehouse (iets soos Game in SA) word 'n Collins New Zealand Dictionary verkoop teen 'n billike prys en ek koop sommer dadelik een. Groot was my verbasing om 'n klomp Afrikaanse/Suid-Afrikaanse woorde daarin te vind. Dit bewys net watse groot invloed Suid-Afrikaners hier op die kultuur van die New Zealanders het. Mense wat meer in statistieke belangstel as ek, beweer dat daar al 100 000 Suid-Afrikaners hier woon. Almal weet wat boerewors en biltong is en ken mieliepap, melktert en koeksister, maar ek het nie gedink hul sou die woorde al in hul woordeboek opgeneem het nie.
Toe Hendrik kom kuier het, het hy vir ons 'n Afrikaans-Engelse woordeboek gebring, want dit is nog 'n groter probleem as 'n mens nie weet wat is die korrekte Engelse woord nie. Ek en Rialeen slaan dikwels net heeltemal toe en kan doodeenvoudig nie 'n Engelse vertaling uitdink nie. Die twee woordeboeke word baie goed deur my benut, vir die skryf van my blog (om Afrikaanse woorde op te soek) en alle ander korrespondensie wat ek in Engels moet skryf. Al die geskryf help darem ook om 'n mens se spelling te verbeter.
Hier volg 'n paar van die woorde wat ek in die Collins New Zealand Dictionary gevind het met hul verklaring van die betekenis:
Africander - a breed of hampbacked cattle orignally from South Africa, known as Afrikander in Afrikaans
African time - South African slang for unpunctuality
Afrikaans - one of the official languages of South Africa, descended from Dutch
Afrikaner - a White South African whose native language is Afrikaans
Ja - South African yes (hul sê 'ye' hier en lag vir ons Afrikaners wat op alles sê 'ja-ja')
Jukskei - South African game in which a peg is thrown over a fixed distance at a stake fixed into the ground
Kak - South African taboo 1. feaces 2. rubbish
Koeksister - a plaited doughnut deep-fried and soaked in syrup (Afrikaans)
Biltong - Strips of meat dried and cured in the sun (Afrikaans)
Boer - a descendant of any Dutch or Huguenot colonist who settled in South Africa
Boere - rustic or country style (from Afrikaans boer = a farmer)
Boeremeisie - a country girl of Afrikaans stock
Boereseun - a country boy of Afrikaans stock
Boerewors - a traditional home-made farmer's sausage
Braaivleis - 1. a grill on which food is cooked over hot charcoal, usuallly outdoors 2. an outdoor party at which food like this is served 3. to cook (food) on this way (also 'braai' in Afrikaans)
Bobotie - a South African traditional Cape dish of curried minced meat
Ou - South African slang, a man, bloke or chap
Oubaas - a man in authority (baas = boss)
Tannie - a title of respect used to refer to an eldery woman (aunt)
Oom - a title of respect used to refer to an eldery man (uncle)
Pap - South African Maize porridge
Gauteng - province in South Africa
Cape, the Cape 1. the Cape of Good Hope 2. the SW region of South Africa's Cape Province
Bantu - 1. a group of languages of South Africa 2. offensive - a black speaker of a Bantu language 3. of the Bantu languages or the peoples who speak them
Bantustan - fromerly, an area reserve for occupation by Black South African people. Official name: homeland
Bundu - South African slang, a largely uninhabited wild region far from towns (from a Bantu language (Die Tweetalige Afrikaans/Engelse woordeboek het nie eens die woord in nie - Rialeen het oor die woord gewonder en dis hoekom ek dit opgesoek het in die New Zealand Dictionary)
Kaffir - South African offensive absolete - a Black African
Apartheid - formerly -the official government policy of racial segregation in South Africa
Ouma - South African 1. grandmother 2. Slang - an elderly women
Oupa - South African 1. grandfather 2. slang - an elderly man
Rooibos - a kind of tea made from the leaves of a South African wild shrub, also called Rooibos tea, bush tea (Afrikaans rooi = red + bos = bush)
Rooinek - South African contemptuous name for a Englishman (Afrikaans rooi = red + nek = neck
Poep - South African taboo - 1. an emission of intestinal gas from the anus 2. a mean or despicable person (Afrikaans)
Zulu - 1. a member of a tall black people of South Africa 2. the language of this people
South African - 1. of the Republic of South Africa 2. person from the Republic of South Africa
en natuurlik die belangrikste van almal:
Toe Hendrik kom kuier het, het hy vir ons 'n Afrikaans-Engelse woordeboek gebring, want dit is nog 'n groter probleem as 'n mens nie weet wat is die korrekte Engelse woord nie. Ek en Rialeen slaan dikwels net heeltemal toe en kan doodeenvoudig nie 'n Engelse vertaling uitdink nie. Die twee woordeboeke word baie goed deur my benut, vir die skryf van my blog (om Afrikaanse woorde op te soek) en alle ander korrespondensie wat ek in Engels moet skryf. Al die geskryf help darem ook om 'n mens se spelling te verbeter.
Hier volg 'n paar van die woorde wat ek in die Collins New Zealand Dictionary gevind het met hul verklaring van die betekenis:
Africander - a breed of hampbacked cattle orignally from South Africa, known as Afrikander in Afrikaans
African time - South African slang for unpunctuality
Afrikaans - one of the official languages of South Africa, descended from Dutch
Afrikaner - a White South African whose native language is Afrikaans
Ja - South African yes (hul sê 'ye' hier en lag vir ons Afrikaners wat op alles sê 'ja-ja')
Jukskei - South African game in which a peg is thrown over a fixed distance at a stake fixed into the ground
Kak - South African taboo 1. feaces 2. rubbish
Koeksister - a plaited doughnut deep-fried and soaked in syrup (Afrikaans)
Biltong - Strips of meat dried and cured in the sun (Afrikaans)
Boer - a descendant of any Dutch or Huguenot colonist who settled in South Africa
Boere - rustic or country style (from Afrikaans boer = a farmer)
Boeremeisie - a country girl of Afrikaans stock
Boereseun - a country boy of Afrikaans stock
Boerewors - a traditional home-made farmer's sausage
Braaivleis - 1. a grill on which food is cooked over hot charcoal, usuallly outdoors 2. an outdoor party at which food like this is served 3. to cook (food) on this way (also 'braai' in Afrikaans)
Bobotie - a South African traditional Cape dish of curried minced meat
Ou - South African slang, a man, bloke or chap
Oubaas - a man in authority (baas = boss)
Tannie - a title of respect used to refer to an eldery woman (aunt)
Oom - a title of respect used to refer to an eldery man (uncle)
Pap - South African Maize porridge
Gauteng - province in South Africa
Cape, the Cape 1. the Cape of Good Hope 2. the SW region of South Africa's Cape Province
Bantu - 1. a group of languages of South Africa 2. offensive - a black speaker of a Bantu language 3. of the Bantu languages or the peoples who speak them
Bantustan - fromerly, an area reserve for occupation by Black South African people. Official name: homeland
Bundu - South African slang, a largely uninhabited wild region far from towns (from a Bantu language (Die Tweetalige Afrikaans/Engelse woordeboek het nie eens die woord in nie - Rialeen het oor die woord gewonder en dis hoekom ek dit opgesoek het in die New Zealand Dictionary)
Kaffir - South African offensive absolete - a Black African
Apartheid - formerly -the official government policy of racial segregation in South Africa
Ouma - South African 1. grandmother 2. Slang - an elderly women
Oupa - South African 1. grandfather 2. slang - an elderly man
Rooibos - a kind of tea made from the leaves of a South African wild shrub, also called Rooibos tea, bush tea (Afrikaans rooi = red + bos = bush)
Rooinek - South African contemptuous name for a Englishman (Afrikaans rooi = red + nek = neck
Poep - South African taboo - 1. an emission of intestinal gas from the anus 2. a mean or despicable person (Afrikaans)
Zulu - 1. a member of a tall black people of South Africa 2. the language of this people
South African - 1. of the Republic of South Africa 2. person from the Republic of South Africa
en natuurlik die belangrikste van almal:
Springbok - 1. African antelope which moves in leaps 2. a person who has represented South Africa in a national sports team (Afrikaans)
Predikant - a minister in the Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa
Lorry - South African, a large motor vehicle for transporting heavy loads
Bakkie - South African, a small truck with an enclosed cab and an open goods area at the back ( Afrikaans bak = container)
Bafana bafana - South African national soccer team (bafana = the boys, from Nguni language group from SA)
Dorp - South African, a small town or village
Donder - South African slang 1. to beat (someone) up 2. a wretch; swine
Brak - South African 1. a crossbred dog, mongrel 2. slightly salty water, brackish (Afrikaans)
Tsotsi - South African, a black street thug or gang member
Impi - a group of Zulu warriors (Nguni, language group of South Africa)
Coloured - offensive, 1. a person who is not white 2. in South Africa, a person of racially mixed parentage or descent 3. South African, a person of white and non-white parentage
Hottentot - 1. race of indigenous people of South Africa which is now almost extinct 2. a member of this race 3. also called: Khoi Khoi the language of this race
Assegai - a sharp light spear used in South Africa
Stoep - a verandah (Afrikaans)
Stompie - South African slang, 1. a cigarette butt 2. a short man (Afrikaans stomp = stump)
Ek sal kyk of ek dalk nog 'n paar kan opspoor. Maak maar self uit of jul met hul verklarings van die woorde saamstem.
Predikant - a minister in the Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa
Lorry - South African, a large motor vehicle for transporting heavy loads
Bakkie - South African, a small truck with an enclosed cab and an open goods area at the back ( Afrikaans bak = container)
Bafana bafana - South African national soccer team (bafana = the boys, from Nguni language group from SA)
Dorp - South African, a small town or village
Donder - South African slang 1. to beat (someone) up 2. a wretch; swine
Brak - South African 1. a crossbred dog, mongrel 2. slightly salty water, brackish (Afrikaans)
Tsotsi - South African, a black street thug or gang member
Impi - a group of Zulu warriors (Nguni, language group of South Africa)
Coloured - offensive, 1. a person who is not white 2. in South Africa, a person of racially mixed parentage or descent 3. South African, a person of white and non-white parentage
Hottentot - 1. race of indigenous people of South Africa which is now almost extinct 2. a member of this race 3. also called: Khoi Khoi the language of this race
Assegai - a sharp light spear used in South Africa
Stoep - a verandah (Afrikaans)
Stompie - South African slang, 1. a cigarette butt 2. a short man (Afrikaans stomp = stump)
Ek sal kyk of ek dalk nog 'n paar kan opspoor. Maak maar self uit of jul met hul verklarings van die woorde saamstem.
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